
Respecting the privacy of users and visitors, "Safe Terra" is committed to protecting their personal information. This document indicates the user privacy protection policy on the website of Safe Terra at
We never collect any of your personal information when you visit the website unless you provide us with the information.
The policy document explains our general laws of collecting and using the information of clients and visitors. We wish to ensure that you know how we will use the information provided by you; therefore, you are kindly asked to read this policy document to become fully aware of your rights. The website is available to the public on the World Wide Web; hence, you can visit the website without disclosing your identity or other personal information to us.
When users provide us with their personal identity information (which may disclose their identities), they can ensure that the information will be used only for support services.
We don't have any unauthorized access to your Twitter and will only have your Twitter ID and Email so we can see your tweets.

What kind of information will be collected?

When you visit our website, our web server collects your basic information which does not include the identity information.
When you sign up to use our services, you will provide us with your email as well as your name and identity on a social network.

How will the information be used?

"Safe Terra" will never sell your personal information to any actual or legal third parties. In fact, your contact information will be used to communicate with you. Your personal information and user account will not be disclosed.
"Safe Terra" may use the collected information for informing users about services and news. Users are entitled to reject the information emails or advertisements by unsubscribe Link.


The information stored in cookies will not show the user identity but will only be used to identify users on the website user panel. A 30-day specific code will also be stored for the users who click on “Introducing Friends” so that the system can recognize the introducers. The information collected through cookies will not disclose the user identity.


"Safe Terra" has devised security measures to protect users from any harm, misuse, or unwanted modification of information owned by us. The information is encrypted through the valid SSL certificate and then transferred to the server via a secure communication channel.


Our website has some links to other websites that might belong to companies or individuals which have nothing in affiliation with our website. We have no responsibility for privacy protection or content of those websites and highly recommend you to be cautious. In particular, users are advised to read the privacy protection policies of those websites and ensure to accept them. It should be noted that a privacy protection policy is true only about a specific website.

Children’s Privacy

Our website provides no services for children. The clients must be at least 18 years old.

Changes in Policy Document

"Safe Terra" preserves the rights to change the policy document on the website. You are advised to visit the website periodically to become aware of any possible changes. After changes are made, you are assumed to have accepted them. The admissible version of the policy document is its latest version on the website.

Contact with Us

If there are any inquiries or worries about the policy document, users can contact us via privacy [at] .